Travelozoo Vouchers
Redeem Here!
Redeem Travelzoo Vouchers Here…
Niagara Fun Tours makes it easy to redeem your Travelzoo vouchers and secure your seats. Confirm your voucher is valid for the following tour:
Be prepared when booking
Before you book your tour date via our booking calender, note the following important steps:
- Review your Travelzoo voucher to confirm the number of guests you can book
- Locate the voucher redemption code and its corresponding 4-digit PIN number
- Be sure to select the number of seats via our booking calendar that matches the number of guests your voucher(s) are valid for
- When prompted, remember to “Tick the Box” if you are redeeming an online voucher. This will ensure you are not being charged for the tour
- Four Digit PIN Number is required as well
- Credit card information will be required when booking to pay the outstanding 13% HST
- Once you book your seats, look for an email with your confirmation of booking
- Have fun!